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Top 7 service desk automation ideas that boost performance and quality

The idea of automating the service desk looks like a weird idea until it is for a small setup like a start-up where a handful of customer service reps managing the tickets seems doable.

However, the moment you begin scaling the business and there are hundreds of customers logging tickets with their issues, manual tracking of issues becomes challenging. It starts consuming a lot of time and results in human errors due to the sheer volume of the problems. 

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But automation of the service desk helps manage a massive volume of tickets in just a few minutes. One of the common myths about service desk automation is that it is costly.

However, service desk automation ideas do not require any huge investments in AI or other technology. At times just a few changes in the settings are enough to set you up with an automated service desk.

Research shows that more than 75% of customers consider a faster response to issues as a vital aspect of customer experience.

Service Desk Automation

Customer service teams manage the ticketing process with a humongous amount of repetitive and manageable tasks without human interference. A significant chunk of these tasks can be automated and cut downtime and effort tremendously from password changes to sending survey emails.

To achieve a great customer experience, companies may need to thoroughly optimize the software’s capabilities or end up with bad customer reviews. Streamlined processes, minimal human involvement, faster response time, reduced errors, improved CSAT scores, and many other benefits are a part of the deal when you opt for service desk automation ideas.

Let us look at a few ways of implementing service desk automation ideas to boost the performance and quality of customer service

1 . Automated solutions

A few issues like downloading a program or fixing a problem with the setting, which might be a repetitive service desk request, can take up a lot of productive time. An automated response for such queries would be a link to download the program or a step-by-step instruction to change a specific setting.

It will be a great help since it does not involve manual work and the solutions have reached the customer promptly. It is a win-win. While such requests seem harmless, hundreds of them can feel very repetitive and stressful daily.

Integration of knowledge workflows into chatbots, community platforms, and applications can save a lot of time and cost.

More than 75% of customers prefer to solve their problems through self-service portals.

2. Customer feedbacks

The CSAT survey offers a good understanding of the quality of service provided. Creating and sending surveys help to collect customer feedback regularly through an automated process that makes it easy to track customer feedback.

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The automatic operation of collecting feedback and accessing it to measure performance and quality is an excellent idea since it does not involve any manual interference.

3. Timely Status Updates

While service desk personnel do their best, customers often get frustrated with the long waiting time.

An automated update system can send timely inputs to the customers about the status of their requests. While this is not a solution, it gives the customers an update, reduces the volume of inquiries, and enables the customer service team to address the high-priority queries.  

4. Password reset

We all forget passwords now and then, and passwords are required to access just about anything in today’s digital world. Automated workflows enable customers to follow a list of steps to recover their passwords without the interference of customer service personnel.

In addition, improved user satisfaction and reduction in the volume of level 1 tickets make the automated password reset a great idea.

5.Ticket allocation

Imagine a technical support ticket assigned to non-technical personnel. It will lead to many challenges both to the team and the customer resulting in negative customer experience and productivity issues with the customer service team.

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Service desk automation enables the tickets to be assigned to the correct personnel/ department and ensures no blockage. In addition, automated ticket allocation reduces the average response time and removes any unnecessary wastage of time in ticket resolution. 

6. Onboarding automation

Automation of the onboarding process helps decrease delivery time, lower support cost, improve cost efficiency, reduce complexity, and manage mundane tasks like password reset without human intervention.

In addition, establishing a proper workflow helps users enhance customer experience without spending a lot on technology.

7.Manage Escalations

Not all companies can set up 24/7 customer support. Weekends and other off working hours are some of the times when there is no active ticket monitoring.

However, a lack of immediate response can lead to many challenges and escalations with significant issues in the business. That is why an automated system helps to respond to the tickets based on the importance and reassigns the ticket to the customer service personnel / responds with a solution automatically.


Service desk automation ideas improve the overall efficiency and productivity of the team and reduce the downtime to query response. It helps to remove any redundant activities and is also a great help in managing metrics and generating valuable metrics to make strategic decisions.

Personalized customer experience, improvement in service quality, and end-to-end visibility are a few other benefits of service desk automation. The right technology and tools can change the way your customer service team works and is a great idea to enhance the growth of your organization.  

Service desk automation ideas help reduce stress for the customer service team, help improve their productivity, are an excellent way of load balancing, and are a perfect way of improving customer experience.  

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