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Getting Started with Dynamic Web Content

Marketing has become personalized, which means it is highly data-driven. The data could be anything – either use behavior on your website or in your app, preferences, demographics, or maybe previous purchase patterns. Use dynamic content, also known as adaptive content, to personalize your marketing messages according to your users’ preferences (or any other factor that is vital for your brand). Dynamic content changes according to user preferences, location, buyers’ stages, or interests. It is one of the unique ways of creating an experience your users will love. This feature can be used for your existing users as well as anonymous visitors.

PS: Aritic PinPoint lets you track, monitor and re-target your anonymous and identified visitors. Hence, dynamic content can be effectively used for such visitors to trigger more engagements and drive conversions.

In order to explain how you can use Dynamic web content inside your website or blog and inside an automation campaign, you can follow this recent example of ours:

Recently, we included dynamic content inside our Aritic PinPoint blog to show relevant messages to our visitors based on their behavior. Those who are already subscribed to our monthly newsletter / downloaded an asset will see our customer success testimonials. Those who haven’t subscribed will see an email sign-up form.

You can build similar experience for your visitors on your blog through 2 different methods from Aritic PinPoint. Here 2 different methods:

  1. Filter Based Method (This work on external webpage where Aritic PinPoint Tracking Code is added)
  2. Dynamic Web Content on Aritic PinPoint Landing Pages
  3. Campaign Based Method

Method I: Filter Based Method:

This is quite simple and straight forward. The dynamic content works based on filters and when the filter condition is satisfied then the dynamic content appears on the landing page/ web page.

1.Create dynamic content with filter condition:

Dynamic content always comes in two variationsone will be your default content and the other is your variable content. In this context, your default content will be the customer success testimonial and download asset form while your variable. Any visitor who does not meet your variant criteria will see the email sign-up form. This means that to ensure your dynamic content is properly displayed, you need to set up your variant criteria.

Create Newsletter / download an asset sign-up form (your variable content)

Navigate to Assets > Dynamic Content > New.

Since your default content is a sign-up form, the dynamic content area will simply reference to form “{form=4}”.
– Make sure you set Is Campaign based? to NO to show your default content to your new visitors. *
– Ensure that the Requested Slot Name matches the name you created in HTML in the first step.

* By setting your content as “Campaign based” it means that you will be using Aritic PinPoint to identify visitors who meet your criteria and then display the relevant content. You can have non-campaign-based dynamic content which does not require any campaign to get executed.

For non-campaign-based dynamic content, you need to apply filters directly within your dynamic content builder. You can use multiple filters or just one.

PS: It is mandatory to add a Filter for “Non-Campaign Based“, so we set our filter to scout for everyone’s emails that do not match this imaginary address. Another trick to doing this is to set email as “not empty” so that it identifies every one that has an email address saved in your system.

2. Add default and dynamic content slot to your web page/ blog:

Use the HTML to create the area where you want your dynamic content to go live. If you know HTML, great. If not, take help from someone in your team who does. Add the following code in HTML mode.

<div data-slot=”dwc” data-param-slot-name=”blog-asset-download”><p>This is Customer Success Testimonial Paragraph</p></div>

PS: In the above HTML code, “blog-asset-download” is the Requested Slot Name of your DWC. You can replace this and update it according to your Requested Slot Name added inside the dynamic content.

Default Content: Between the <p></p> above, it is the default text/content which will appear when variable content is not shown on the web page/ blog page.

Method II: Filter-Based Method:

Adding dynamic web content on the Aritic PinPoint landing page is quite easy. You need to create multiple Filter Based Dynamic Web Content, as explained in above Method I.

Then add all the Dynamic Contents inside your landing page through the landing page drag and drop widgets. Save the settings and it will work according to the defined filters inside each of the Dynamic content settings.

Method III: Campaign-Based Method:

In this method, the dynamic content works based on filters and when the filter condition is satisfied then the dynamic content appears on the landing page/ web page.

1. Use the HTML to create the area where you want your dynamic content to go live. If you know HTML, great. If not, take help from someone in your team who does.

If you are on Aritic PinPoint paid plan, then you can take help from our customer success team.

In this example, add the code-

<div data-slot=”dwc” data-param-slot-name=”blog-asset-download”></div>

2. Next step is to create dynamic content.

Dynamic content always comes in two variationsone will be your default content and the other is your variable content. In this context, your default content will be the sign-up form while your variable will be the customer success testimonials. Any visitor who does not meet your variant criteria will see the email sign-up form. This means that to ensure your dynamic content is properly displayed, you need to set up your variant criteria.

(i) Create a Newsletter / download an asset sign-up form (your default content)

Navigate to Assets > Dynamic Content > New.

Since your default content is a sign-up form, the dynamic content area will simply reference to form “{form=4}”.
– Make sure you set Is Campaign based? to NO to show your default content to your new visitors. *
– Ensure that the Requested Slot Name matches the name you created in HTML in the first step.

* By setting your content as “Campaign based” it means that you will be using Aritic PinPoint to identify visitors who meet your criteria and then display the relevant content. You can have non-campaign-based dynamic content which does not require any campaign to get executed.

For non-campaign-based dynamic content, you need to apply filters directly within your dynamic content builder. You can use multiple filters or just one.

PS: It is mandatory to add a Filter for “Non-Campaign Based“, so we set our filter to scout for everyone’s emails that do not match this imaginary address. Another trick to doing this is to set email as “not empty” so that it identifies everyone that has an email address saved in your system.

(ii) Customer Success Testimonials ad
– Enter the content you want to show (variant) *
– Set Is Campaign Based? to YES because we will create a campaign to call this content when the set criteria are met.

* In the sample image, you will see that we have used an image of a customer’s testimonial taken from the homepage.

3. The next step is to create an automation campaign to control your dynamic variant on the webpage/blog.

(i) The first campaign will automatically segment everyone who submits the sign-up form to subscribe to your monthly newsletter.
– This is your starting segment and should include everyone you want to qualify for the default content. This could be your entire database or just a specific set of people. [ For us, it was our entire database]

(ii) This newly created segment will act as the starting point, based on which variant content will be shown.

– Here is how the Request Dynamic Content action looks like. Make sure the Request Slot Name matches your dynamic content slot name and the area name you created in your blog’s HTML.

Now you are good to hit the publish button for each element – the segment, the content, and the campaigns. After publishing, your dynamic content experience will go live on your blog.

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