People in any given team come from various backgrounds, and miscommunications and clashes are a part of the deal. Leading a team cannot be easy.

If anything, it makes every moment of the day a challenge. However, not all is lost. A bit of tack can go a long way in achieving those professional goals. Encouraging common goals, improving teamwork, building trust and confidence in fellow team members are a few ways to combat the ongoing feud between team members.  

Efficiency is the Optimization of inputs for greater output. Productivity is the same efficiency in producing valuable results. While each lender is different, so are their leadership styles.

The efforts and leadership style of a leader results in the productivity and efficiency level of their team.

Let us look at a few tips and tricks to increase productivity and improve service

1 . Ownership

With freedom comes responsibility. While letting the team make decisions for themselves seems like a scary thought, it also enables them to own up their responsibilities and be accountable for deliverables.

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It instantly increases the sense of responsibility and improves the performance of the team. Trusting a team member and giving them complete ownership of a project/ task improves their self-esteem and sense of responsibility, thereby contributing to better performance.

2. Set communication expectations

Communication is the key to improve productivity.

Irrespective of how small or big an organization is, a communication gap can cause multiple issues. From onboarding to training, imparting knowledge to have a project-level discussion communication at all levels of the organization is the key.

Customized training courses are also instrumental in aligning teams at various levels to stay aligned as per the company values/ needs.

3. Know the team

While one team member is good at communication and articulating things, another may be good at the creative part, and another may have great convincing power, and so on.

A successful leader should know the strengths and weaknesses of their team to ensure a well-balanced assignment of job responsibilities and succeeding as a team.

Training to better their weaknesses and optimizing their strengths enables them to contribute their knowledge, expertise, and talents, thereby improving productivity and service.

4. Team Building

Trust between team members is crucial for the success of a team/organization. Where the camaraderie between team members is excellent and aware of each other’s strengths and weaknesses, achieving success becomes easy in an environment like that.

A happy team with a cordial interrelationship will automatically have higher productivity and efficiency at work.

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While it is impossible to have people from various walks of life and become friends while working, companies should incorporate team-building exercises to add a fun element to the atmosphere and remove any miscommunications and animosity between the team members.

5. Automation

An automation tool can do wonders for an overworked team and boost their teamwork and productivity. Project management software helps to improve communication, collaboration, streamlining processes, and task management.

Discussions, group chat, chat threads with sear options, Gantt chart, reporting, budgeting, time tracking, and many other project management software uses.

Taking the monotonous and repetitive job away from the team frees up their time to focus on more important things and improve their productivity.

6. Working environment

The overall work environment and the infrastructure facilities significantly contribute to how employees think, feel, and perform at their workplace.

From the interiors to lighting, furniture to another environmental concept in the office premises, various factors contribute to an employee’s productivity.

Bad managers, office politics, and patronizing fellow employees can cause significant damage to an organization’s overall productivity and efficiency.

7. Incentivize

Monetary reasons are the first and foremost which enables the employees to work better. Appreciation and rewards work well to motivate the workforce.

Incentive plans contribute significantly to improve the overall productivity of the employees.

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As per a recent study, more than 85% of the employees feel motivated when they receive incentives.

Luncheons paid vacation, cash, coupons, and many other forms of incentives can motivate those employees and keep the productivity up.

8. Curtail micromanagement

A bit of freedom goes a long way. Most companies lack trust in their employees and end up micromanaging them.

It only spirals down the issues further since the employees lose interest and feel demotivated when a boss/ manager keeps checking on work progress. Hire a talented team, define their job roles and set KPIs clearly to avoid any performance issues.

Creating a great team helps to remove any doubts and work with confidence. Hiring a great team and providing them with the right tools, and enabling them to upskill helps them perform confidently and achieve great results.

9. Appreciate

 A bit of appreciation can enable the employees to perform with motivation. Each employee works differently. While monetary benefits are great to improve performance, appreciation is another factor that instantly lifts employees’ spirits at work.

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Feeling valued at work is critical for an employee’s self-esteem. An appreciation publicly improves an individual employee’s productivity and inspires others in the team to perform better. 

10. Feedback

Feedback can do wonders when it is well- utilized. While we all get to work with a positive mindset, it is vital to provide constructive feedback to improve the quality of work.

Finding the areas of improvement can help employees to perform better. While giving feedback is a great idea. Doing it both ways helps encourage a dialogue, offer guidance where required, and create a collaborative relationship between the employer and the employee.

Constant support, feedback equip the team with the right tools and provide a positive work environment and amenities to work effectively and efficiently.


Listing out the challenges in the team, listing out employees with poor performance, collecting/ providing feedback are a few ways of identifying the issues in the group.

In addition, providing training, automation tools, motivating the workforce through rewards and recognitions, streamlining the work process, curtailing micro-management, engaging in team-building activities, and fixing any specific challenges at work helps improve productivity and thereby result in better service.

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Sandeep is the Senior Content Writer at Aritic, where he creates content that adjures attention, builds authority, and drives action. He is a Linkedin maven who believes that learning is a lifelong process and has the ongoing curiosity to learn new things.

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