Organizations big and small faced many challenges with email support. However, the traditional ticketing systems offered to solve problems ranging from workflow automation to improving team productivity.

But we all have witnessed the shortcomings of the traditional system in delivering these promises. A traditional ticketing system helps to move customer requests, enables to prioritize the most critical tickets, collaborate, and manages to report.

Interesting Read: Top 7 Tips for Better Ticket Management

However, support teams face quite a few challenges once they adapt traditional ticketing systems.

What is a ticketing system?

A ticketing system helps to segregate and process requests. Resolving queries, streamlining processes, and providing solutions to customer requests.

Workflow automation, reporting, collaboration, prioritization, and much more are possible with a ticketing system.

1 . Complicated

Traditional ticketing systems can do many things. The issue with them is that because they do many things, getting the simplest of the tasks becomes a lot more complicated than it should be.

2. Slow

Users of a traditional ticketing system complain the most about how slow it is. Because the traditional ticketing system does many things, they tend to get slower. It makes using a conventional ticketing system a lot more challenging than it should be.

3. Customizable

Multiple rules and workflows make the whole system unmanageable and messy. However, it would be impossible for today’s customer attention to manage with a slow system and becomes complex with multiple workflows.

4. Usage is a challenge

With multiple forms and complex rules, submitting a request becomes a lot more ambiguous for the users.

Interesting Read: 6 Best Practices For Support Ticket Prioritization

Therefore, creating a knowledge base can be helpful to avoid any repetitive issues that get logged in. Instead, users can read the documents to resolve their minor issues and avoid logging a ticket.  

5. No Integrations 

Traditional ticketing systems offer separate systems for internal support, external support, and production issues, for example, slack for chat and an intranet portal for HR.

Training users to manage multiple systems and to get in and out of them for communication and collaboration can be more challenging than email support in the first place.

6. Impersonal

A traditional ticketing system does not understand the severity of a problem and treats them all the same. It responds to the most simple and complex issue with the same reply saying someone will revert in the next twenty-four hours.

Impersonal response to customers, both internal and external, may create a considerable challenge and cause a severe dent in the brand.

A Reddit user says, “A ticket system introduces a layer between the customer and the engineer and impedes direct communication…. [A] customer will always prefer to talk to a human being who understands and sympathizes over a computer system that is cold and doesn’t provide immediate detailed feedback.”

7 . Action for every request

The workflow created by a traditional ticketing system can flood the support team with repetitive requests, like a password reset or a troubleshooting issue. It also leads to lower motivation and dissatisfaction in the workforce.

8. Delays

Adding a knowledge base helps the support team search for a canned response and insert it when they receive similar requests.

Interesting Read: 10 Effective Ways to Create a Customer Experience Strategy in 2021

However, frequent usage can cause the customer reps to spend a lot of time searching for multiple fields each time a request arrives, resulting in losing focus on more important work from their schedule.

But not attending to it may also have severe repercussions like a customer/s work getting stuck.


Some of the most common challenges of using a traditional ticketing system are impersonal service, inadequate response for essential issues, service available at specified hours only, and resolutions for the simplest of the queries are not immediately available.

There are tons of customer messaging platforms available in the market that helps both the customers and the customer support teams be happier with their expectations and work.

Avoiding repetitive tasks, more automated management of workflows, and collaboration can happen only with a modern messaging platform.  

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Sandeep is the Senior Content Writer at Aritic, where he creates content that adjures attention, builds authority, and drives action. He is a Linkedin maven who believes that learning is a lifelong process and has the ongoing curiosity to learn new things.

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