
Sandeep Verma


No matter what business you are in, the success of it mainly depends on happy customers. It is because the customer service team works hard to make customers happy. While it is true that a customer service team with higher productivity ensures satisfied customers, it is also vital to work smarter. As per an AmEx survey conducted in 2011, one happy customer talks to nine people about a good customer service experience. Assuming a business…

The customer service team works as the backbone of a business. Customer service representatives spend a lot of time handling inbound inquiries, and time is of the essence while managing the support tickets. The time taken to complete a request plays a vital role and is a significant contributor to the overall efficiency of the customer service team. You and your team should begin to track time for support tickets if success is vital for…

The customer raises a support ticket to the provider to resolve any issues that may have occurred while using the product/ service offered. The business interaction needs the business to document as per the ITIL service management framework. It enables tracking progress and for any other business references. Required solutions and specific data are part of the support ticket description that the IT department determines. Once assigned to an executive, he/she will be responsible for…

Customer experience is at the crux of every business. One unhappy customer can cause tremendous damage if not appropriately managed. Companies must stay digital if they want to survive, and customer service is an integral part of it. The ticket resolution time of a customer query plays a vital role in making a customer happy or unhappy. Forrester’s research says that up to 45% of the consumers in the USA would abandon an online transaction…

A pleasant interaction of a customer with your business is called customer experience. A customer experience constitutes the entire cycle of customer interaction, starting from the first contact towards becoming a happy customer. Jump Directly to 1 . What is customer experience?  2. Customer experience vs. Customer service  3. How important is the customer experience?  4. Impact of bad customer experiences  5. Ways to improve the customer experience A satisfied customer brings in more business,…

Brands have realized Customer Experience’s role in their business’s success, which has led to an enormous surge in the written content about customer experience. The customer experience blogs offer tons of valuable insights that enable brands to improve their customer experience game. Customers have evolved, and so have businesses. Customers today make well-informed decisions when compared to the previous times. However, it is vital to educate brands about Customer experience.   While customer experience seems like…