Whether you are looking for a passive income or selling a service, the first and foremost thing to do is start blogging. Some of the challenges that occur to start blogging would be choosing a niche, no knowledge on marketing/ branding, and lack of creativity.

Time-consuming, lack of motivation, self-doubt, and too many roles to manage can get overwhelming. However, the benefits of blogging are so many that it outweighs the challenges. If you are thinking on similar lines, then read on to find out some of the top reasons to start blogging and its importance in branding. 

Before thinking about the reasons, challenges, and benefits of blogging, take a minute to think about all those cool thoughts you get in your head, and you let it go without doing anything about it. Now imagine you sharing all those tips, tricks, and secrets to a whole lot of people and getting them to try it.

Once you start blogging, it also makes you feel like you found a purpose to your passion. As of 2020, there are six hundred million active blogs globally. Let us look at some of the top reasons to start blogging and how it plays a vital role in your branding. 

1 . Choose your niche 

Just like writing is not possible for everyone, everyone cannot write on every topic. Each one of us is passionate about a particular niche/ topic. Choose your calling and dig deeper into it.

Once you understand what niche works well for you, coming up with informational blog ideas would become a lot easier to start blogging. With each blog, you will find more data, viewers, and ideas.

2. You’ll gain confidence

As per the Daily Infographic, 53% of the bloggers are in the age range of 21-35 years.

When you are a fresher and looking to break out of the shell or a professional with an untapped passion for a particular subject and do not know what to do about it, blogging seems to be the best step ahead. Blogging offers you a platform to express your knowledge, thoughts and confront your fears.

Once you start blogging, you realize that there are people out there with the same thought process and fears as you do. Writing down your thoughts and expressing your fears may even offer you a mechanism to cope and enable you to have a place to collect your thoughts. 

3. Experience in writing 

If you are passionate about writing, then start blogging immediately. Blogging enables you to build a portfolio without the hassle of writing for anyone. Since you blog for yourself, you will have creative freedom and do not have to adhere to the guidelines laid out by someone else.

When you start blogging, among all the other things, you begin to realize that your writing gets better and better with each post. As per Demand Metric, 80% of internet users read blogs. 

4.Financial gain 

Blogging offers more opportunities to monetize as your viewers increase. It is a great idea to diversify and add additional income sources in today’s economy. Whether you are doing it to add more income or generate a passive income, starting a blog enables you to monetize it.

Social Media today mentions that blogs with images get up to 94% of views. 

5.Inspiring the audience 

There are billions of people who use the internet regularly, and the internet’s power is enormous. HubSpot says that listicles are more popular among readers, meaning you have an intelligent audience with preferences.

All you have to do is create helpful content that best engages with its audience. If you have a specific niche, try to gauge the audience’s interest in a topic and provide useful information in your blog.

It will improve your viewership and keep them coming back for more since they find your content engaging and valuable. There are more chances of businesses identifying your capabilities through your blogs, thereby generating potential leads. 


Orbit Media says that an average blog is 1,236 words long. Imagine the kind of stories you can tell with every blog. Having a blog cuts down the need for paying anybody else to post about your personal story.

You have an immense power to portray a story with the information you want and keep it factual so that the audience builds trust in you and starts looking up to you for any further information (builds relationships both professional and personal). 

7. Create Opportunities 

A blog reaches a large audience and can create tons of opportunities. More than 35% of bloggers find it difficult to consistently start fresh, helpful, and engaging content.

Traffic generation, improving organic visits to your site, building trust with your audience, meeting like-minded people, collaborations, and much more is possible when you start blogging. 

8. Stand Out 

When you start blogging, it offers you an opportunity to stand out in the crowd, show your expertise, and communicate with a larger audience. As per statistics, only one percent of the users on the internet create new content, and the remaining ninety-nine percent consume it.

In the competitive world of business and economy, standing out encourages your chances of succeeding at whatever you pursue. 

9. Learn new skills 

When you start blogging, you also learn a lot about writing and the technical aspects of it. When you start blogging, you start learning new skills like SEO best practices, web graphics, email marketing, writing for a different audience, designing WordPress, social media marketing, content management, and a few others.

Statistics suggest that up to 43% of people skim through blog posts, and over 36% prefer to read articles with attractive headlines. 


While there are a few challenges in blogging, there are immense benefits too. Blogging enables you to grow as an individual, learn new skills, become more confident, improves the presence of your branding, and creates the potential for monetary and career gains.

As per research by Buffer (marketing blog site), 55% of its viewers read articles for less than fifteen seconds. Companies with a blog are said to receive 97% more visitors to their websites. It means blogging opens up tons of business opportunities. So, start blogging today! 


Sandeep is the Senior Content Writer at Aritic, where he creates content that adjures attention, builds authority, and drives action. He is a Linkedin maven who believes that learning is a lifelong process and has the ongoing curiosity to learn new things.

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