Live video streaming services offer plenty of benefits for B2B companies. It is the best way to enhance user engagement and build viewership. There are several platforms available for live video streaming.

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1 . Facebook

2. YouTube

3. Periscope

4. Zoom

5. LinkedIn Live

However, before you put your content online, you need to understand where your audience is present.  Always try to do live streaming on platforms where your audience is already present rather than asking them to join you on a new platform. Here is a list of some popular online live video streaming software and how one platform of video streaming technology differs from the others.

Popular Online Live Video Streaming Software

Live Video Streaming

1. Facebook

We all know about Facebook, as it is one of the most popular social networking websites today. The viewership that you get with Facebook is vast, and you can always control who watches your live stream video broadcasting, the locations it should be active in with features like geotargeting.

Viewership of Facebook live has been increasing since the rise of Covid-19 pandemic, with more than 8.5 billion broadcasts on Facebook live.

You can also shoot your video streaming on mobile and make them go live from there itself. Facebook also plans to introduce advertising in live streaming that will help monetization.

2. YouTube

One can deem that YouTube is the King of video streaming. Many people look out for online video streaming on YouTube. Several advertising groups are already using this platform for video advertising and organic videos.

YouTube provides a “watching now” option for their uploaded videos that gives the marketers and advertisers insight into how many people are watching their data and how much traffic it is generating.

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It was found that there was an average of 599 thousand people streaming at any given time on YouTube Gaming Live in the last measured period – Statista Share on X

You can preview your video before finally publishing it to see how streaming on the internet will look when your audience sees it. Like Facebook, it also provides you the option to control the privacy of who watches your video. You can also find detailed metrics related to your online live video streaming with the help of YouTube analytics.

3. Periscope

This online video streaming platform allows the streaming of videos 87cfyour Smartphone. Periscope introduced by Twitter in 2015 is a broadcaster and can easily interconnect with Monetization.  It gives you the advantage of promoting your videos via Twitter and the stream is available for the next 24 hours for people who might have missed the live streaming.

Periscope being new in the market has been trying hard to compete with Facebook and YouTube by introducing unique features. For example, it allows brands to connect with live video streaming platforms for sponsored streams. They are also working on determining how efficient pre-recorded videos will be in live videos.

4. Zoom

Zoom is a popular video conferencing tool that has gained immense popularity during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, it is not just limited to video conferencing, as it offers a live streaming feature as well. This makes it an ideal choice for B2B businesses that need to conduct webinars, online meetings, and live events. Zoom offers features like screen sharing, virtual backgrounds, and recording, which can enhance the quality of live streaming. It also has a large user base, which means that businesses can reach a wider audience.

Zoom’s paid plans offer additional features such as more extensive branding options, webinar controls, and analytics. Overall, Zoom’s reliability, ease of use, and versatility make it an excellent choice for B2B businesses that require a robust live video streaming platform.

4. LinkedIn Live

LinkedIn Live is a relatively new live video streaming platform that has been gaining popularity among B2B businesses. It offers businesses the opportunity to reach a professional audience and showcase their brand, products, and services. LinkedIn Live is a great platform for hosting webinars, industry events, product launches, and interviews. It allows businesses to engage with their audience in real-time, answer questions, and receive feedback.

As LinkedIn is primarily a professional networking platform, it offers a unique advantage for B2B businesses looking to build their brand and network with other professionals. LinkedIn Live is also easy to set up and use, with the ability to stream live video content from a desktop or mobile device. Overall, LinkedIn Live is a valuable platform for B2B businesses looking to establish themselves as thought leaders and increase their brand awareness in a professional setting.

Before focusing on converting your potential customer, there are certain things to keep in mind to exhibit the streaming on the internet. 

1. Audience-centric videos

People watch content that offers valuable information. If you are promoting a service or a brand, you should share information that people are interested in. It will keep their interest intact and keep them engaged in your video and hence your product.

You can always analyze your Facebook page, blog post comments and other data from social media channels to understand what your audience might be interested in and then accordingly frame your content.

2. Promote the content at the right time

Video streaming technology is a good idea to keep your audience posted about your future broadcasts.  You can make use of email marketing, social campaigns, and other marketing strategies to let people know when you will be airing your live streaming. It increases viewership and popularizes your brand.

3. Keep it real

The whole point of a live video streaming website is to see things as they happen in real-time. It should create a vibe that focuses on an informal conversation with the audience. You should not leave an impression where your audience feels like you are reading a script or a pre-prepared monologue.

These are just the most basic things that you should keep in mind when you plan live streaming. However, you need to understand that it takes time to build a social platform standing. You might not be able to lure customers in the first go but gradually things will get fine-tuned, and people will soon be a part of your platform.


Meghamala Paul is a passionate digital marketer with prominent experience in content writing. She loves to write content, whitepaper, case studies and all.


  1. David Hernandez Reply

    Live videos are the best way to make your audience feel involved and engaged. I have never seen any response as great as live videos, all of this is possible due to the large audiences we can connect with via Social Media.

  2. Jeremy Hughes Reply

    Customer engagement has taken a new turn with live streaming videos on social media platforms. These videos are beneficial in converting first-time visitors into customers.

  3. Jose Powell Reply

    Videos are beneficial in converting first-time visitors to customers and increasing the customer engagement level among the visitors. Thanks for the exciting post!

  4. Kathy Moore Reply

    Videos are playing a significant role in driving most of the customers. Thanks a lot for updating the article!

  5. Beverly Hill Reply

    The effect of customer engagement can be enhanced easily by the use of a live video. These videos can easily convert a visitor into a customer.

  6. Russell Miller Reply

    I like this blog so much! The section on live streaming is very insightful and I think it is necessary for a marketing strategy today.

  7. Andrew Richardson Reply

    Well – written article! I was always interested to know more about the videos, which plays a significant role in driving most of the customers.

  8. Great work Ankit, I was looking for data related to live video streaming which is a great asset in the field of marketing. Thanks a lot.

  9. Sanjay Singh Reply

    Excellent article! With all the social networks out there, it’s hard to know where your audience is. After all, You can’t just throw a party if no one comes.

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