Marketing technology has never been more essential than today. The ultimate goal of every technology company is to influence potential clients and attract them to buy their products.
Your objectives are to communicate your brand message to potential customers in ways they’ll understand, like, and trust. Therefore, businesses are trying to identify the best way to reach their customers.
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1 . Importance of Developing a Clear Marketing Strategy
2. 7 Key Marketing Strategies for Technology Companies
According to a survey report in Aug 2021, 54% of U.S. consumers responded that the personalization in advertising is favorable for their purchase decisions.
Smart IT marketers are arming themselves with ways to create personalized ad campaigns. The science of targeting the right customers attracts both businesses and customers’ attention.
Unlike advertisements based on a target group, today’s ads are targeted to a specific individual, known as individualized marketing which works wonders when targeted to CEOs, CIOs, or CTOs.
Personalized marketing focuses on an individual’s life stage, interests, and location. As a result, your business can position your brand as an influencer in a specific area or target audience niche that’s right for you.
Today’s article explains seven ways to optimize marketing campaigns for your technology business. So let’s get started.
Importance of Developing a Clear Marketing Strategy
Before we deep dive into the strategies, it is imperative to know why you should spend your time and energy on crafting robust marketing strategies.
Developing a unique marketing strategy will reach the right audience at the right time with the right content. It brings your potential client closer to your business and your product. Without a clear marketing strategy, each ad you design becomes an aimless shot in the dark. It lacks direction and consistency, and your target audience quickly loses interest.
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Your marketing goals should be easy to measure and efficient enough to achieve your desired results. But, the point to remember is that there’s no single solution that “fits all”.
You need to test and tweak your strategy until you get it right. You need to make sure that your brand should articulate a clear and consistent message across all platforms you utilize for promotion.
A precise strategy helps you in many ways:
- You can define your objective to your targeted audience.
- It gives you a way to measure your marketing effort’s efficiency.
- You can identify your weaknesses.
- Helps you identify the areas where you succeed and fail.
- What methods you should use to improve your marketing campaign results.
7 Key Marketing Strategies for Technology Companies
1. Define Your Objective and Target Audience
When you know your audience, they will also know about you, and your sales will increase. As a result, your brand’s authenticity will increase, and this will open new ways to get more clients in the future.
To understand your targeted audience, you can use the market funnel as your starting point to create a clear marketing plan. The funnel depicts the main stages of your potential client’s journey when they become actual customers of your business:
The marketing funnel divides target audiences into four groups:
- Leads: Potential prospects who show interest in your product.
- Prospects: Customers who need to decide before purchasing your product.
- Customers: Customers who are ready to purchase your product now.
- Promoters: Customers who recommend your product to others and successfully position your business as an industry leader in their niche.
Your marketing funnel forms the basis of your marketing strategy, so you need to answer the following questions:
- Which stage of your funnel is your objective?
- Who are you targeting with your message?
- How can you effectively reach your target audience?
These are the questions you need to answer before defining your marketing strategy.
2. Email Marketing Strategies in Technology Companies
Email marketing is another trusted and efficient way to reach your audience and increase sales. The reason behind, it performs a close interaction and provides value to your customers while increasing brand loyalty.
In return, it gives them a reason to introduce you to others in their networks, and you get new customers and grow your business effectively. Emails give you a $42 return in spending of $1.
An effective email marketing campaign can increase sales by up to 760% because you can target specific audience segments with relevant messages that solve their issues and increase conversions and sales.
Here are four main types of emails you can include in your marketing strategy:
- Send a welcome email to new subscribers when they join your email list. This gives them a first impression of your brand and builds trust with new customers. You can include details about your business and your values.
- Send promotional emails to attract new customers and boost sales in your product or service area. These emails can use content like infographics and videos to help your customers understand your product or service better.
- Send occasional emails that include timely information or tips related to your industry. For example, if you’re in the IT field, you can include tips to help your customers manage their technology and system updates or help them with troubleshooting problems. They can significantly value your customers and are sure to spread the word if your content has value.
- Send automated emails to your customers to re-engage them after they’ve been inactive. Prove to new customers that you’re still there for them and value their business.
Email marketing lets you talk to your customers and directly influence their purchase decisions.
Create the right email marketing strategy and use the right tools like EasySendy to automate the process and increase your sales today.
3. Social Media Marketing and Awareness:
An average person spends 95 minutes a day on social media, and this number continues to grow.
There are over 3.96 billion social media users worldwide, so that you can reach your potential customers with this digital strategy. You can significantly increase your business by spending as little as five hours weekly on social media marketing.
Social media allows you to reach a wider audience and position your brand as a trustworthy source of information and value in your industry.
You can promote your products or services and showcase your expertise in your industry, increasing brand awareness.
You can use these modern marketing platforms to boost website traffic, inbound leads and sales for your business. Below actions can help to perform the activities well.
- Generate Leads: Promote your products and services on social media to drive traffic to your website and increase leads for your business. Promote your blog posts, eBooks, white papers, and other downloadable content on your website and landing pages through paid ads and ads on social media.
- Build Relationships: Build relationships with your customer base through social media. The interesting part is, you can connect directly with your customers through these platforms and answer their queries or complaints. It lets you get direct customer feedback and testimonials about your products or services, which you can showcase on your website and landing pages and build trust with your audience.
- Increase Brand Awareness: Build brand awareness and recognition for your business by reaching a wider audience through social media marketing. Increase your social media following by posting relevant content regularly and interacting with your audience.
- Generate Traffic: Social media marketing allows you to reach a broad audience, build authority in your industry, and boost your website traffic, inbound leads, and sales for your business. You can market your products or services directly to your target audience through paid and Facebook ads or generate organic traffic to your website through content marketing and two-way communication with your audience.
4. SEO for Your Business:
Through Search Engine Optimization (SEO), you can improve your website’s visibility to the Search Engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo through the “natural” or unpaid (“organic”) search results.
The more your website appears in the search results, or the higher it ranks, it increases the chance for people to click and visit the website. In other words, it shows more authenticity to the probable prospects. Through a high-ranked website, you can convert these visitors into customers.
70% of marketers believe that SEO is better than PPC. And as SEO is not a one-time activity, it generates desired results in the long term.
Website traffic can be increased by:
- Creating content that people like to read and share
- Optimizing meta descriptions and titles
- Creating backlinks
- Providing informative product descriptions
- Use a keyword planner
- Optimizing landing pages
- Building SEO-friendly content
- Keyword research
- Write in the correct SEO format
This kind of traffic is on page 1 results on Google, Bing & Yahoo because it’s organic traffic. People will only find you when looking for your business or product.
5. Guest Posting:
Guest Posting is one of the most effective ways to establish your presence and backlink drive to your website or business page.
Guest posting means posting someone else’s article on your blog or website with a backlink back to them while giving a do-follow link from your website to theirs. It also helps you in generating traffic from that website to yours. Most link-building agencies and bloggers rely on guest posting to increase traffic to websites
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This is one of the best ways to increase traffic and visitors to your website.
Guest posting helps you connect and engage with new audiences – people interested in your niche or target audience, and you can build a strong relationship with them.
Guest posting also helps you get high-quality backlinks for your website through content marketing, increasing your search engine rankings and driving traffic to your website or business page.
6. Influencer Marketing:
It is one kind of social media marketing, but it is slightly different. Traditional influencer marketing was challenging. It was only limited to celebrities, but nowadays, talented social media influencers are getting paid by the brands to post their branded content on their social media accounts.
They have thousands of followers on Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and other social media accounts and drive massive traffic to your website or blog posts using this kind of marketing.
These influencers can help you promote your crowdfunding campaigns, launch new products, or get customers for your online store or business.
7. Blog:
Lastly, creating your blog and sharing your knowledge, learnings, and experiences can attract customers to your business or product.
Solve the problems and challenges of your targeted audience by sharing your knowledge in the form of blog posts on your website or blog. For example, if you run a recruitment platform, you can write blogs on best sites to hire developers, how to hire, etc.
It is one of the tech marketing strategy tips that can help you generate leads and create a strong bond with your clients by engaging with them through your blog.
They can easily share your blog posts with their friends and followers on social media, and you can generate more traffic to your business or product.
How can Aritic help crafting the best strategies?
With our unified system of automation, you can create a unique customer experience. We use advanced technologies to provide one-stop solutions to businesses and enhance their marketing strategies.
Through our unique solutions in inbound, mobile, B2B marketing you can enjoy a wide access to the target audience.
Moreover, whichever industry you are into, Aritic can help you as we have a vast experience in every sector starting from banking, technology, manufacturing, ecommerce and more.
These tech marketing strategies can help you generate traffic to your website or product. Remember, marketing is as important as the product itself!
You cannot get success overnight. You need time and patience to build a strong brand for your business or product. The marketing mentioned above strategies can help you generate more traffic to your business or product and increase your conversion rate. You can also hire developers in India for your business to make a robust online presence on the web world.
So, start implementing these strategies, generate more website traffic, and grow your business!
What is your marketing strategy when launching your startup?
Author Bio
Jigar Agrawal is Digital Marketing Manager at eSparkBiz. He is Passionate about anything related to Digital Marketing. Wants to unlock the world of technology and Social Media where every day there is a chance of new possibility as well as innovation.