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How do Google Updates impact SERP?

The dreaded Google Update. Rarely a source of hope, too often this phrase sends a cold shiver down the spines of webmasters and website managers. Sometimes it gives your site a boost, and other times it disrupts your rankings.

Quick Links

1 . The Everchanging Nature of SERPs

2 . Google Updates and Their Impact

3. What Does This Mean For You?

4. Recovering From An Update

In this article, we will get a bit into how Google Updates influence your SERPs, as well as how you can prepare and recover once Google does its thing.

The Everchanging Nature of SERPs

SERP stands for search engine results page. It’s the page you see when you do a search on a particular engine. The SERP will show you the results of your query and contextual information about your search, such as the date, time, and location. It can also show you related searches, as well as sponsored links.

The thing with SERPs is that they are constantly changing, as search engines update their algorithms and feature new ways to find the most relevant results for their users. As a result, it’s important to stay up to date on the latest trends in SERP if you want your website to rank high.

You can do this by studying the SERP features that Google is currently using, as well as monitoring your website’s position in search engine results pages.

On that note…

Google Updates and Their Impact

Google algorithm updates are changes to the search engine’s ranking algorithm that occur periodically and affect how websites are ranked in search results.

These updates aim to improve the search engine’s ability to return relevant and accurate results to users.

Google updates are important to understand for anyone who wants their website to rank well in search engine results pages. But what factors do these updates impact, and how can you ensure your site is taking the necessary steps to remain visible?

The first and most obvious way that Google updates impact SERP is through the alteration of ranking algorithms. The specifics of these changes are often closely guarded secrets within the company, but it’s safe to assume that a variety of factors are taken into account when determining page rank.

As such, it’s important to keep an eye on algorithm changes and track sites that are winning or losing ground in search engine results pages.

Another major way that updates impact SERPs is by changing how Google weights different factors. For example, in 2013, Google announced that it was beginning to factor HTTPS encryption into search engine rankings.

This change meant that websites with this security protocol in place would see a rankings boost over those without HTTPS. Other relatively recent changes include the addition of voice search data and mobile-friendliness as ranking factors.

What Does This Mean For You?

Honestly, it might mean anything, everything, and nothing. It’s rather unfair to accuse Google of randomness — it’s pretty clear the direction they are going is centered on user-friendliness and safety, as well as quality content.

Your best bet is to follow websites like the Serch Engine Journal, Search Engine Watch, as well as Moz’s and Ahrefs’ blogs. And of course, keep an eye on your own metrics.

If you’ve noticed some adverse reactions and changes, then take a look at the following section.

Recovering From An Update

If you’ve been following the SEO news lately, you’ll know that Google has been rolling out algorithm updates left and right. And if your website has taken a hit in search rankings as a result, you’re not alone.

Fortunately, there are steps you can take to recover your website’s search rankings. We’ll now outline a couple of them.

1 . Check for any errors on your website.

One of the main reasons websites lose their search rankings is because they have errors on their pages. So before you do anything else, it’s important to check for any errors on your website and fix them.

You can use tools like Screaming Frog or Google’s Search Console to do this. If you find any errors, fixing them should be your top priority.

2. Build backlinks to your website.

One of the best ways to recover your website’s search rankings is to build backlinks to it. The more high-quality backlinks you have, the better your website will rank in Google. To optimize your strategy and budget, a Digital Gratified Link Building Cost Calculator estimates expenses and aids in making informed decisions.

There are a number of ways you can go about building backlinks to your website, including publishing guest posts on high-quality websites, submitting your site to directories, and using social media sites like Twitter and LinkedIn.

High-quality backlinks don’t just mean “backlinks from high authority websites”. For example, if you run a hospitality web design agency, you wouldn’t want to have backlinks from pet stores or bakery shops. When backlinks are niche relevant, they tell Google what your website is really about. 

3. Evaluate Recent Onsite Changes

If your site was affected by the most recent Google update, it’s important to take some time to evaluate your onsite changes. Make sure that all of your content is high quality and relevant, and that your links are legitimate and helpful. You may also want to consider making some changes to your SEO strategy in order to better align with Google’s latest preferences.

Some examples of onsite changes you may want to consider making include:

If you take the time to evaluate your onsite changes and make appropriate adjustments, you’ll be in a much better position to recover from the most recent Google update.

4. Website Structure

Another thing you can do is adjust your website’s structure. Make sure that all of your pages are properly linked together, and that your website is easy to navigate. You may also want to consider using a breadcrumbs navigation system. This will help improve your website’s usability and make it easier for users to find the information they need.

No matter what type of website you have, it’s important to make sure that its structure is effective and user-friendly. By following the tips in this article, you can ensure that your website is well-structured and ready for the latest Google update.

A website’s structure is the way in which its content is organized. The structure of a website can be very simple, or it can be quite complex.

In general, there are three main types of website structures when it comes to content: hierarchical, topical, and grid.

Hierarchical structures are based on a tree-like model, with the home page at the top and subordinate pages below it. This type of structure is common for small websites with limited content.

Topical structures are based on the idea that all content is related to a particular topic or topic area. This type of structure is common for large websites with a lot of content.

Grid structures are based on a modular model, with content organized into blocks that can be interchangeably replaced and moved.

If you need help structuring your website, there are a number of online tools and services that can help you. If experimenting with website structure is well outside your business core, your best bet may be hiring one of the top BPO companies to handle that work for you.

5. Perform a Backlink Audit

One of the best ways to determine how your site fared in the latest Google update is to perform a backlink audit. This will help you identify any spammy or low-quality links that may be negatively impacting your site’s SEO ranking. If you find any such links, you can work on removing them asap.

To perform a backlink audit, you’ll need to use a backlink checker tool such as Ahrefs or Majestic. This will help you identify all of the links pointing to your site, as well as the quality and authority of those links. Once you have this information, you can begin working on removing any low-quality or spammy links that may be hurting your SEO ranking.

If you have a lot of spammy or low-quality links, it may be difficult to remove them all manually. In this case, you may want to consider using a link removal service such as Link Detox or Penguin Recovery Services. These services can help you identify and remove harmful links from your site quickly and easily.

6. Make Changes to Your SEO Strategy

If you want to ensure that your site recovers from the latest Google update, it’s important to make changes to your SEO strategy. Google is constantly updating its algorithms, so it’s important to stay ahead of the curve and adapt your strategy accordingly.

One way to do this is to focus on quality over quantity. Instead of trying to rack up as many links as possible, focus on acquiring links from high-quality sources. You should also make sure that your content is of high quality and relevant, and that you’re using the correct keywords and phrases.

Some other changes you may want to consider making include:

7. Improve your website’s content.

Another reason websites lose their search rankings is because their content is poor quality. So, if you want to recover your search rankings, one of the best things you can do is improve your website’s content.

Make sure your content is well written, informative, and relevant to your target audience. And make sure you’re using the right keywords and phrases in your content too.

8. Optimize your website for mobile devices.

A third reason websites lose their search rankings is because they aren’t optimized for mobile devices. If your website isn’t responsive, you need to make some changes immediately.

Google now ranks websites based on their mobile usability, so you’ll lose traffic and rankings if your website isn’t up to par. To check how mobile-friendly your website is, use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test.


Google updates always impact SERPs. Websites and marketers have to scramble to make necessary changes so their websites continue to appear in search results and rank well. Sometimes these changes are small, and other times they can be quite large.

In our blog post today, we’ve outlined how Google updates work, what kind of impact they can have on your website, and some steps you can take to ensure your site remains visible after an update.

Stay ahead of the curve by knowing what to expect from future Google updates — it will help keep your website ranking high!