Best Practices To Handle Comment Notification Email

Update notifications are one of the most frequently sent emails. Therefore, you need to give it the extra care and attention it requires. Looking at it from the surface, you may think that it is all alerting your customers of what just happened. However, it is much more than that. Depending on how you design …

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12 Must Send E-commerce Transactional Emails

Suppose you sign up for an E-commerce application, you can expect to receive a lot of transactional emails shortly. For instance, as soon as you sign up you might get a confirmation email, followed by a welcome email. If you have something in your cart you get an email to check out the items in …

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7 Reasons Why Transactional Emails have Highest Open Rate

There are two flavors of marketing emails in the email marketing paradigm, direct/bulk emails and transactional emails. Direct emails are generally used by marketing personnel to acquire new customers, increase sales volumes and inform potential customers about new products. On the other hand, transactional emails are generally used by the customer relationship personnel to manage …

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Best Practices To handle Receipt And Invoice Email

Anyone who runs a business is bound to deal with receipts and invoices. Any highly functional business is required to process payments and send receipts for all the payments processed. While such emails are present everywhere, they are constantly over-looked. Considering the value they add and the experience they provide to the clients, they are …

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